Thursday, July 16, 2020

"City People" is the Unlikely August Theme

What were we thinking?  "City People?"  The themes for 2020 are organized around viewing your city in a wide variety of aspects.  When the monthly themes were chosen in late 2019, no one expected that a pandemic would empty city streets of people or that those found would be keeping away from others while masking their faces.  

Don't you miss the days when we could sit in a crowd like this for n outdoor4 concert?  Can you look at an image like this today without flinching at the absence of social distancing?  Still, give it a try.  Let's see what creative way you can come up with to show the people of your city.  "City People" is the theme on August 1.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking outside the box for this one.

    Have decisions been made for November and December theme days?


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