Friday, May 20, 2016


Abseil?  Huh?  What does that mean?  Abseiling (also known as rappelling) is climbing down a vertical surface from a great height, using a rope for support and guidance.  Not for the fainthearted.
But, earlier this month CDP blogger Aimee Forde -- known to fellow bloggers for her brilliant red hair -- bravely descended 160 meters (525 feet) from the top of a 40-story Perth, Australia, skyscraper to raise funds for Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation.  You can follow her breathtaking descent on her mother Grace Forde's post on Perth Daily Photo.  Congratulations, Aimee, and thank you, Grace.


  1. It was a pretty amazing feat, especially considering my own extreme fear of heights :) I was so proud of her and she did raise over $2000.00 for Princess Margaret Hospital..nice one Aimee!

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