Friday, April 3, 2020

10 Years for a Curmudgeon in Hull and Hereabouts

In late April 2010, the first post appeared in Hull and Hereabouts.  The blog about this large port city in Yorkshire began neutrally enough.  In time the semi-anonymous blogger who informs us about Hull began showing his prickly side.  For example, "Hull City Council, in my own personal experience, is not fit to pick up the litter off the streets let alone be entrusted with the education of its young people."  Or, here is a riff on the subject of a Catholic officer carrying a staff:  "It's all really quite silly, this quasi pagan vesting authority into a stick (God's rod; the phallic imagery is clear, is it not or is that just me?) but then you see it popping up all over place not least in our Parliament and town councils with their fancy maces which have to be present before any business can be carried out. Parliament even has its own verger, Black Rod, by royal appointment. All utterly ridiculous or verging on it."

Hey, a regular bit of irreverence can be fun, so long as you have some honey to mix with it. 

1 comment:

  1. Not Catholic but Church of England ... I know, I know details, details ...


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