Saturday, August 3, 2019

Some Nostalgic Appreciation for Julie Storry

Many of us spent hours in the past admiring posts by Julie Storry on "Sydney Eye," where she researched at length the history of her beloved Sydney, Australia.  Julie also spent several years keeping this City Daily Photo portal afloat.  For a year Julie administered a blog for the theme "Taphophile Tragics," dedicated to those who liked visiting and photographing cemeteries.  And, she started and stopped a number of other blogs, some about gardening, several about family, and others about whatever struck her fancy at the time.

The sun set on Sydney Eye three years ago.  Julie developed a variety of health and mobility challenges and moved in with her daughter's family.  It has been quite a while since City Daily Photo has had a contribution from Julie.  We often recognize Eric Tenen for starting the City Daily Photo community.  This month let's also channel some thoughts toward Julie Storry, and thank her for her efforts to keep it going.


  1. I recently saw a comment from her on a CDP post. When I first joined the group four years ago, she was a friendly blogger and we communicated regularly both via CDP and our individual FB pages. I miss her wit and frankness as well as her photos. I hope she is okay.

  2. Sending good thought to you, Julie!

  3. Thank you for doing this. Beautiful appreciation note. Having lived in Sydney I was a follower of Julie's great research and notes on the city. I miss her comments.

  4. Well said! I remember Julie's wonderful posts.

  5. I always enjoyed reading her posts and comments.


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