Sunday, January 24, 2016

Scene from a Coffee House - February 2016

Scenes from Cafes and Coffee Houses around the World

This month's theme comes from Merisi at Merisi's Vienna for Beginners. In the years since she moved to Austria, she has come to love and appreciate its coffee houses. In 2011, the UNESCO declared Viennese coffee house culture an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Austria. The Austrian writer Stefan Zweig left the following ode to the Viennese coffee house in his memoir "The World of Yesterday":

"... it must be said that the Viennese coffeehouse is a particular institution which is not comparable to any other in the world.  As a matter of fact, it is a democratic club to which admission costs the small price of a cup of coffee. Upon payment of this mite every guest can sit for hours on end, discuss, write, play cards, receive his mail, and, above all, can go through an unlimited number of newspapers and magazines."

A daily blogger since 2005, Merisi challenges City Daily Photo bloggers from around the world to show us scenes from coffee places in their own neighborhoods.

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