Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Wonderful Decade for RedPat in Toronto

RedPat began blogging modestly enough on March 4, 2010.

"Not sure how this will work but will try to post photos etc occasionally."  That was it. 

Oh, and she also modestly titled her blog "Occasional Toronto."  Confidence was not RedPat's strong suit.  Her next post read, "Still figuring things out! Trying to make the type a wee bit larger."  And the next day, "Do you think that this type is too large?"

We are pleased to report that RedPat did in fact figure it out.  AND, for her, "Occasional" seems to mean "every blessed day!!!!!"  Yes, from her modest start in March of 2010 through today, REDPAT HAS NOT MISSED A SINGLE DAY OF POSTING.  We have come to know the thriving and growing city of Toronto well through her eyes.

Thank you, RedPat.  Well done.


  1. Wow, you caught me by surprise with this one! Thanks!

  2. RedPat's one of the first photobloggers I started following.

  3. Not missed a day! That is impressive.


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