Monday, February 3, 2020

The Dreckly Kid Gave Birth to Plymouth Daily Photo [UK] Nine Years Ago

"The Dreckly Kid" is the nom de plume of a Cornish blogger who began Plymouth Daily Photo nine years ago, on February 11, 2011.  Most appropriate for a month in which the theme has been "Streetscape," The Dreckly Kid's fist post was both a streetscape and a waterfront scene.

His blog post told us that in the past, Plymouth's Sutton Harbour was home to an important fishing fleet and a wide range of commercial maritime activity, and its quays were busy with warehouses, processing and repair facilities. Nowadays it is home to a major marina complex and its quays are lined with apartments and a bewildering range of restaurants, bars, clubs and pubs.  Here is a more recent photo.

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