Thursday, December 13, 2012

CDP Forum
A helping hand needed, please

There has been discussion among members, and here between admin, about a place for members to chat and to raise issues. When the portal was hacked in the middle of 2012, Eric's FB Group page became an interim 'portal' where members could link their latest post. However, FB has a number of drawbacks, namely that it is serial in nature and out-of-sight so very quickly. We are looking to replace the FB group.

Peter has been tossing up between a Yahoo Group and a more fully-fledged forum. He has decided upon a forum and is hoping to have a beta-version operating next week. However, he will need assistance with the forum.

Without naming names, a number of members on the FB group page have flagged their interest in becoming more involved. We are looking for about 6 volunteers to share the workload of moderating 'rooms' and, perhaps, even individual 'threads'. Of course, the amount of work involved depends upon the traffic into the CDP Forum.

To indicate your interest, please contact Peter via the Feedback drop-down in this portal menu.

Actually, it will probably be first on Facebook, or Twitter, or maybe you'll hear about it from the nice old guy next door. Whatever the case, if you have news to share, how about sharing it with us, so we can share it with everyone and actually make these pages useful?


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