What is more important for you, the photography or the travel?
Not fair! That's a chicken and egg question!
I travel for the thrill of seeing new places and having new experiences and the photos are a visual travel diary. Although when Pilchard (my partner) gave me my first camera in 1991, I never dreamt this wonderful gift would become an addiction. I've been using for awhile now – and I can't give it up! But … if I had to choose between travelling and photography, travel would always win! I just hope it never comes to that!

You spin wonderful yarns. Where did this skill come from?
Spinning a good yarn was second nature when I worked for the government! In fact, that and a killer editing instinct are probably the ONLY transferrable skills I salvaged from the tedium of corporate life, and brought to blogging. I'll leave it to you to judge whether the taxpayers got their money's worth .
But seriously, a combination of low boredom threshold, genetic reading habit and giving good postcard probably made that possible in the first place. My childhood was full of stories, pictures and storytelling; and I can't recall a time when I couldn't read, so I guess the government isn't completely to blame responsible after all!

Do you have a favourite time of day for taking your photographs, or is the entire story (image plus text) just as important?
When I first started blogging, I still had my film camera and had to get my photos processed (no mean feat in the Outback!) and scanned before I could get them online. With no guarantee of a suitable photo, the actual story had to be strong enough to stand alone.
While digital photography has changed this process, I still don't write a linear journal of our travels on my blog. I use my travel diaries – and photos – to transport me back to a place or experience for inspiration. This heightened level of engagement strongly influences story quality and reader response.
I don't know if the luxury of being able to snap anything, anywhere, anytime has made me a better or worse photographer – but now the story and the photos are much more integrated.
When I reached the geographic centre of Australia, I burst into tears. What parts of Australia have made you emotional?
Ha! You're one up on me!! Seeing places we've loved badly affected by natural disasters can be emotional – north eastern Queensland post-Yasi (like recent US superstorm Sandy), and the Victorian Grampians following the 2011 floods, for example. Australia's legendary fire, flood and drought can strike anywhere, which makes me wonder why development that may potentially destroy natural attractions in areas like the Kimberley, Pilbara and Great Barrier Reef are even considered. On a happier note, we'd spent so long planning a 2011 Lord Howe Island holiday (not our usual modus operandi at all!) that my first sighting of its awesome twin peaks – Mounts Gower and Lidgbird – had me wiping the tears away! Hopefully we'll repeat the experience in 2013!
Red Nomad is based in Adelaide, but ranges across Australia from Kununurra to Cunnamulla to Koolywurtie - and MORE! As the old song goes 'she's been everywhere, mate!' And I did have to edit out some of her more enthusiastic use of the exclamation mark.
Julie Storry - Sydney Eye